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Real World SharePoint 2007: Indispensible Experiences from 16 MOSS and WSS MVPs

I’ve got a long history of publishing that spans editing over 100 titles and having author credit on 16 – now 17 books.  Most of the acquisition editors I know have long since heard me tell them that I’m not interested in another book project.  I’ve been there.  I’ve done that.  However, this project was different.  What do I mean by different?  Well, let me first explain the Microsoft MVP program.

The Microsoft MVP program recognizes individuals based on their technical contributions to the community.  Within the program you’re awarded into a category – in my case Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS).  In other words, someone at Microsoft believes I add value to the MOSS community.  There are similar awards for Windows SharePoint Services (WSS).

One of the interesting things about the group is that we each have our own more specialized areas.  I’ve spent good time with Windows Workflow in SharePoint.  Dustin Miller has spent good time with SharePoint Designer.  Andrew Connell knows Web Content Management (WCM) well… and so on.  The project was to bring together all of us – to take what we knew best – and write it down.  It’s intriguing to me since it would definitely push the value equation on the project.  It would mean gathering a set of knowledge that would have been impossible to get together any other way.

So I signed up to offer my experience with Workflow and SharePoint – but I went all in.  I also agreed to perform a technical edit on the chapters I didn’t write.  Why would I do that?  Well, because honestly it would mean that I could help make sure the book fit together.  So that despite the clear voice of each of the authors it would feel like you’re reading different perspectives from a choir – rather than a mob.  You can be the judge about whether we succeeded in this goal.

Obviously, I have an interest in the success of the book.  However, that aside, having read every chapter – I can honestly say you won’t find a book with more experience and more real world help anywhere in the market.  Sure you may only find one chapter that you need today.  However, it will be the best chapter you can read on the topic – and eventually you’ll need the other content.

So I heartily recommend that you pick up a copy of Real World SharePoint 2007: Indispensable Experiences from 16 MOSS and WSS MVPs – because it is indispensable.

It’s shipping now.  Order your copy today!