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SharePoint Gets Search Analytics

Microsoft’s SharePoint Portal Server 2003 was sold into a large number of organizations based solely on the strength of the search tool. Organizations hungered for a way to find the data they had generated.

Structured data such as invoices, products, and shipments may have been easy to find in the applications designed for that data, but the growing mountain of documents seemed to make the unstructured information that you were looking for perpetually out of reach.

Search in SharePoint made significant progress in its ability to connect users with the unstructured information that they were seeking. But the effectiveness of searches depended upon the skill of the searcher and the alignment of the terms that the searcher used to the terms in the documents. The world of search analytics was still very foreign to most organizations. Thankfully, the next version of SharePoint Search with its focus on relevancy will also include reports that allow you to see the effectiveness of the searches users are executing.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 is a part of the Office System and is set to debut sometime in late 2006 or early 2007. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes numerous enhancements designed to improve search relevance, Internet usage, content management scenarios, and many other features which were shared this week at the SharePoint Conference in Bellevue, Wash., this week.

In this article you’ll learn about the basics of search analytics, what you can do today to improve your search results, and what to expect in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Move beyond mere source control to the problems source control doesn’t solve

If you’ve ever working on a multi-person development project that didn’t use some sort of source control system, you’re probably painfully aware of what it feels like to loose some of your hard earned work. Sure you may be able to reproduce the work but the feeling that you’ve already made the investment to create it once is very nagging.

Even if you’ve used source control systems you may have noticed that there are certain problems that a source control system doesn’t solve. Managing configuration files, consistency of file locations, standard coding practices, a check-in schedule, and a build process are all examples of application development problems that having a source control system with check-in and check-out won’t solve.