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About Us

Thor Projects was started in 1991 by Robert Bogue. It was the wild wild west of technology. It was new, confusing, and expensive. Few people really knew how things worked and they weren’t the folks that came out to help most organizations.


When Rob created the organization the goal was simple. Create an organization that would take a hammer to problems at the right time – thus the name.   Some consulting organizations would walk in and would tell you everything that you had was wrong. They’d take out a proverbial hammer and smash everything. Other consultants would constantly try to patch systems even when they weren’t the right answer – and should be smashed with a hammer. A hammer is a useful tool. When used in the right way, at the right time, a hammer can bend, shape, and create.

Thor Projects became a full-time endeavor a few times over the years this last time was in 2005. In 2016, Terri joined Rob and Thor Projects with a vision to use the same organizational goals to help healthcare facilities prevent healthcare associated infections. Before and since then we have consulted with dozens of clients of all sizes – from two person offices to organizations of over 100,000 people all over the globe. Speaking and consulting internationally, Rob gained a reputation for deep technical knowledge combined with a business acumen. Speaking, publishing and consulting nationally, Terri has a reputation for recognizing opportunities to help prevent healthcare associated infections and improving nursing practice. Thor Projects is intentionally small. Few employees and an attention to high quality work has led to deep relationships with organizations.