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June 13, 2006

Article: Creating a common lexicon for software development in your organization

While at lunch with a buddy of mine the other day he shared that he came to a startling revelation. He was listening to a presentation on Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) the day before and realized that much of his job was terms definition. Simple things like, what does the word “Enable” mean to you. What is an Enterprise Network Bus?

In software development we often use terms with one another which are poorly defined and have different meanings to different members of the team. We assume that when we say “factory pattern” the person on the other end understands us the same way they understand us when we say “cat.”  This is, however, rarely the case.

In this article, we’ll explore the need for a common lexicon (see the definition for details) for your software development team and look at what you need to do to create it.

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