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WebCast: Defining Your Own Software Development Methodology

A few weeks back I did an on-line web cast for Jupiter Media on “Defining Your Own Software Development Methodology”  If you missed the event and want to pickup the on demand version, it’s available at

The web cast talks about what methodologies are, how they are made up, some common techniques you can use, and how your software development methodology may relate to others.

Webcast: Get Your SharePoint Project Started Right

SharePoint projects can be complicated animals.  Knowing how to make the project successful is more complicated that making a roll out of Microsoft Office successful and is more challenging than writing a small application.  I’ve been giving a presentation for the past year or so that discusses how to get your SharePoint project started off right (and a little bit of how to recover it if it goes astray).

I’ve packaged that presentation and am making it available as a webcast.  You can now see and hear the “Get Your SharePoint Project Started Right” presentation at the link provided (link removed).  I was able to compress the content down into an hour but I’ll warn you it goes fast.

If you want the matrix referenced in the web cast use the contact me link to send me an email and I’ll get you a copy of it for free.

As always I appreciate any feedback you can provide on the content and on the delivery mechanism.