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March 26, 2007

Workflow Struggles and Success

Talking to folks about SharePoint and Workflow is getting to be a regular habit.  My buddy Howard recently launched upon a conquest of creating a SharePoint Workflow.  Armed with my article on DevX, he set about creating the sample workflow.  Of course he had problems — I’m not saying that because of Howard, he started having problems because getting workflows working sometimes feels like getting the right combination on a combination lock.  He wrote down some of his experiences in a blog post.

To be fair not all of the issues are WSS’s fault — or even WF’s fault for that matter.  The real point — the reminder that Howard provided — was that there are a lot of things that you need to know to get workflows running in SharePoint and there are a lot of ways to fall off the path.

The good news is that I’ve got two sessions addressing workflow at Advisor Summit on SharePoint in Anaheim May 6th-10th  It will be good to get some more time and space to cover this topic and help others with it.  (A sidebar, DevX generously accepted my article even though it was 4x larger than most articles on the web — and it’s still not enough.)

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