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August 15, 2008

Whitepaper: Increasing SharePoint Engagement

Whether you were hearing voices in your head saying “Build it and they will come” or you simply had to find a replacement for your languishing Internet, more often than not once you get the SharePoint® platform in place you’ll find pockets of the organization where it seems like everyone is using SharePoint for everything – even things they shouldn’t — and other pockets of the organization where SharePoint is seen as some sort of contagious disease.

The kind of engagement that you may see in parts of your organization is powerful. Instead of users simply using the solutions which have already been created, they’re creating their own solutions. Sure occasionally an engaged user will create a solution in SharePoint which isn’t well advised, however, many solutions that engaged users create will fit the platform and will be useful to themselves and others. A user who’s adopted SharePoint can use those solutions that have already been created, but an engaged user can create their own solutions. Driving forward an implementation with users who’ve adopted SharePoint means creating all of the solutions for the users – a rate limiting factor for any growth of SharePoint.

Implementing a solution like SharePoint and getting engagement across the organization isn’t easy. Every organization has the early adopters – the folks that may have pushed for SharePoint in the first place – and the laggards – the folks that are still etching out their memos on stone tablets. There’s also the diversity of technical skills which happen in organizations where some folks are carrying around the latest devices while others are still using the “bag” car phones that aren’t exactly mobile. So how do you increase SharePoint engagement throughout your organization?

It’s not magic. It’s not some ancient incantation. By just applying a handful of easy-to-understand principles, you can get the engagement you want without losing control. We will discuss two techniques for developing engagement by first evaluating your situation and second by building intent to use.

To read the rest of the whitepaper go to

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