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January 12, 2011

Designing Solutions for Microsoft SharePoint: 2010

I’ve previously mentioned the work that I did on the Microsoft Patterns and Practices SharePoint Guidance. However, what I didn’t mention was that the work was being converted (adapted) to book form. The book is Designing Solutions for Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Making the Right Architecture and Implementation Decisions. Although I’ve not seen my copy yet, I know the content and I know it’s an essential guide for any senior developer or architect working on a SharePoint project of any scale. You won’t find every nuance covered – no book could do that for SharePoint. However, you will find the core issues that you struggle with are there. If you’re new to SharePoint or if you’ve been doing it for a while we’re covering challenges like what sort of execution model do you want for your code and what are the implications. How should I access data? Should I keep data in lists or use BCS to get to the list data? The key decisions you need to make are covered.

I’d encourage you to buy the book – even though the content is in the publically available guidance. Why? Well, it’s not because I have anything to gain from it – I don’t get royalties on this book. I’ suggesting this because people buying this book will signal to Microsoft that the work being done here – in making it easier to develop robust, scalable solutions for SharePoint is important work to be continued. Who knows what the decisions will be over the coming year or two as they evaluate their priorities? You can, however, make sure that they can see that you’re willing to shell out a few dollars (or ask the company to shell out a few dollars) for the guidance that’s being produced.

I can’t wait until my copies arrive.

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