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Article: Six Things Every Developer Should Know to Stay Current
Our technology world is spinning faster, and sometimes trying to figure out what you need to do to stay relevant to employers and to continue to enjoy being a developer is difficult. It seems like every day there’s a new release of a language, library, or technology that you need to know to be at the top of your game. With that in mind, here are six things that you can do to stay current.
1. Protect Your Passion
You became a developer for a reason. You’re good because you love it—or at least you did at one time. If you want to be a great developer, you have to maintain or regain your passion for the craft. This can mean developing a game in Unity “just because.” It can mean developing an Internet controlled toaster with a Raspberry Pi II.
The point isn’t what you do to have fun with your development again—the point is to have fun. The best developers are those who’ve got a passion for their craft. If you’ve got it, keep it. If you’ve lost it, find it.