Book Review-Family Evaluation: An Approach Based on Bowen Theory

Book Release: Secret SharePoint
We interrupt our normal schedule of book reviews to announce that we’ve released our latest book – Secret SharePoint. We’ve been leaking some content from the project for months on our blog, through a free subscription to an email series, and through partners like SPTechCon. This has been in preparation for our launch of the Secret SharePoint book – and that launch is today!
The book is over 200 pages of special tips that I’ve learned over the last 18 years of working with SharePoint. It’s solutions to hard problems, and they work whether you’re using SharePoint on-premises or SharePoint Online.
From birthday calendars and navigation to search and Word Quick Parts, Secret SharePoint has the solutions you need for the problems you’re facing.
More than that, we’re still offering the free email course that you can sign up for to get part of the content from the book and a newly-released, self-paced online course. Both of these offer not only the written text but videos and screen casts that walk you through the entire process of building the solutions that we’ve created for other customers.
As a special thank you for following us, you can get the book directly from us for $15 + Shipping. That’s half the retail price. Order yours today.