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The User Engagement Video Series Starts Now!

Have you ever been frustrated with users that aren’t reading your emails? They’re complaining about the fact that they never know what is going on – and they’re not going to the intranet to find out. When working to help organizations fix their communications problems, we frequently recommend a strategy of engaging videos. More “edutainment” than education, they’re about the problem and the possible. 

That’s all fine, but, if you’re like most folks, the voice in your head is saying, “Ok, but what does that mean, really?” If you’ve spent years communicating information with formal and semi-formal communications channels, the idea of engagement isn’t easy or intuitive. That’s why we created a set of videos designed to engage users. They’re super short, less than 2 minutes. They talk about one core frustration that people have and how the problem is solved with the intranet. 

They’re designed to be used when you’re transitioning to SharePoint or Office 365 from another platform – and when you’re trying to get folks to use the existing intranet hosted on SharePoint or Office 365. They’re not videos that you put in a library for education, they’re videos that you send out to get people’s attention. 

The first one is a play off the old Where’s Waldo? series of books. Check it out: 

We’re making these available via YouTube, but if you subscribe, we’ll send you a link every two weeks via video service. This way, users don’t get YouTube ads while playing the promo. Just click here to sign up today. 

If you’re so inclined, you can support our efforts by buying a one-time license, and you’ll be able to get the videos without any bumpers or branding for you to use internally – including using them as a part of videos that you’re making. You’ll get all the videos, including both the completed videos that are not yet public as well as any we release in the future. Click here to support us – and your users.