Book Review-Family Evaluation: An Approach Based on Bowen Theory

Now Available: Joining a Teams Meeting Guide
In our world of remote and hybrid work, it’s critically important to stay connected. The various virtual meetings can become a juggling act as we inevitably run into technological issues or confusion about the multitude of buttons and symbols. Whether it’s using Teams through the web browser or having difficulty connecting to the right device, we’ve found that many of our clients could use a guide to help them navigate Teams so they can stay productive and engaged in their virtual meetings.
If you’re an event organizer, you know how difficult it can be to help attendees to get into, oriented to, and productive with any platform – including Teams. This guide is a way that you can improve the attendee experience, reduce technical support calls, and create the experience you want.
That’s why we’ve put together the Joining a Teams Meeting guide. It walks you through the process of joining a Teams meeting, whether or not you have the desktop application installed, and what to do when things go awry. With screenshots of all the different buttons to help you orient yourself and a few common troubleshooting tips just in case, we can’t guarantee your meetings will be more exciting, but we can help them run more smoothly.