Book Review-Family Evaluation: An Approach Based on Bowen Theory

Spring Suicide Prevention
Last year, we started a tradition. We mark the first week of spring with suicide-related book reviews as a reminder that suicides peak in the spring. It’s also a call for you to reach out to your friends and loved ones to reconnect and, if necessary, ask them if they’re considering suicide. We want you to have gentle reminders to be on the lookout (like the bird in the image).
This year, we’ll be posting two solid weeks of suicide-related content. Every weekday at 8AM Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4) beginning Monday, March 20th, we’ll post a new book review for a suicide-related book – except for March 31st. On March 31st, we’ll be posting as review of People in Crisis – which provides things that you can do to support people who are in crisis of any kind.
We’ll end on April 3rd with Stacy Freedenthal’s great book, Loving Someone with Suicidal Thoughts, as our encouragement to find ways to keep loving those who are struggling with the threat of suicide.
If you can’t wait, there’s a library of suicide-related book reviews on our site. Feel free to browse the reviews and learn more about what you can do to help prevent suicide.