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In the last week I got a note from someone commenting on the fact that the samples on the web site showed the screen shots in full color but the book itself is printed in black and white. I honestly hadn’t really thought about it. We see it in electronic form for corporate licenses so often it didn’t occur to me that there would be any confusion here. Because the person we were talking with was a small organization (<10 people), the corporate licensing options didn’t really fit the need. However, we hadn’t made a full color edition of the book available. So, I placed a new, full color version up on for purchase. I should provide a warning that the cost is nearly $100/book. (Ouch.) To be perfectly candid, I make less on the color version of the book than the black and white version, however, I wanted to make it available for those who absolutely had to have color. So, if you have to have color you can get it now. Or if you buy the corporate license you’ll get a full color set of electronic files.

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