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The course has been created and delivered. Now is the time to assess what did and didn’t work in the process through the lens of learner outcomes, which is the ultimate measure of success or failure. How does the monitoring specialist report on what happened?

What Is a Monitoring Specialist?

We live in a world of analytics, where we try to capture data from users and draw meaningful results out of the seemingly random noise in the signals that we have. The monitoring specialist sits in the center of the data analysis tools and log files, providing meaningful information to the stakeholders, who look to see what worked – and what didn’t work – in the training.

What Is Expected of the Monitoring Specialist?

Monitoring specialists are, first and foremost, data people. They look at the reporting coming out of the system and convert it into insights about instructors, courses and learners. While they may be called upon to help develop a new survey instrument or connect a survey tool to the learning management platform, their core competencies are around extracting meaning out of the data.

Part of the series, The Actors in Training Development. Read more…

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