When I blogged about Software that Sells: A Practical Guide to Developing and Marketing Your Software Project I commented that there wasn’t much information that was in the book that I didn’t already know. The guide was really very light on details. Micro-ISV: From Vision to Reality is a very different story. I found all kinds of things in the book that were interesting.
I rarely “dog ear” a book these days. I make it a point to have a pad of paper and pen with me when I’m reading a book. That’s mostly so I can record my thoughts. Sometimes I’ll stop reading and start frantically scribbling notes. Anyway, it’s lead to a lot of books that don’t get “dog eared.” I even have tape flags that I use to mark what page I’m on — thus no “dog earing.”
However, I haven’t even made it through all of the pages I “dog eared” in Micro-ISV. There seemed to be a new web site or product that I didn’t know about on every page. Admittedly Micro-ISV will have a relatively short shelf-life in terms of it’s value because web sites change and companiese go out of business. However, for now, it’s a great reference for those who are struggling to get a product company going.
The other interesting thing about the book is that it has a great number of interviews in it. Real people with real problems not unlike your own talking about them. All in all, a good read. (I suppose it doesn’t hurt that the author is a former reporter.)
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